Monday, December 20, 2010

Snow, Winter Wonderland & Ice Skating

 As you can see from the photo's we have had a lot of snow fall over the weekend.  Nath and I were keen to make the most of it so we wrapped up and went for a walk along the Thames to get some photo's.  Along the way my canvas shoes got quite wet so it was a good excuse to call into the shops at Hammersmith and buy new shoes.
Had a date night with Amy at Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park.  After looking around the rides and having hot chocolates we went to the Natural History Museum for a spot of ice skating.  It was freezing out but ice skating kept us warm.
This morning as Nath was off to work the temperature was -6, so I was pretty happy that I could stay in bed and read - gotta love school holidays!  Snow is forecast every day this week which could muck up our travel plans as Britian grinds to a halt if there is snow around.  We are taking the train to Brighton on Christmas Eve to spend Christmas with my Uncle, then on the 26th we fly to Ireland for our New Year trip.  Once in Ireland we have a bus that drives us around, so there are plenty of opportunities for the snow to prevent us travelling!

Winter wonderland:

Ice Skating

Sunday, December 5, 2010

In Bruges

We had an early start to the day for our trip to Bruges.  It was freezing and I dont suppose canvas shoes are the most appropriate footwear to have on in the snow! Had a fantastic day wandering around the market stalls.  We didn't buy anything except for chocolates, beer and a huge sausage for lunch.  We hid in local pubs to defrost our feet when they got too cold.  
On another note - I have spent 4 days supply teaching at my new school and the staff are lovely.  I have been invited to play squash, got invited at a quiz night and the staf xmas party.  I am going to the xmas party, black tie event, £55 3 course meal that the school is paying for - sweet. Much different to the Pram Coll partys that were held at school and we had to pay for the meal.  The students are pretty ok (for London) and already Im giving them stick and so forth.  I have probably taught most of the students that will be in my classes.  At each year level (7-11) there are two form classes and Il teach one yr 7 class and Justin the HOD PE will teach the other class at the same time.  Looking forward to starting in January.