Sunday, March 20, 2011


Nath and I had a day trip to Oxford last Saturday. It is less than an hour away from London so it is a great get-away for a day.  We did a free city walking tour and went past loads of awesome buildings.  The University is spread out around Oxford and is really spectacular.  At Oxford Uni students live and study in their colleges which is quite cool.  We saw Christ Church College where scenes of Harry Potter were filmed.  Sir Christopher Wren (designer of St Paul's Cathedral) designed some bell tower at another Uni College. 

The exciting news is that we have booked a long weekend in PARIS!  I can't wait as Paris has been on my travel wish list for ages.  We are going the weekend of the royal wedding as the Friday and Monday are public holidays.   Quite crazy as we get back from Turkey for ANZAC day on the Tuesday and then we're off to Paris on the Friday.  Nice. 
Now that we both have good jobs we are starting to book more holidays away.  Although Nath is quite limited with only 20 days annual leave compared to my 17 weeks!  We have decided to make the most of long weekends so Nath doesn't use all his annual leave up early.  There is a long weekend in May and one in August so we are keen to do Rome for one and Amsterdam the other.  Exciting times. 
I am going on PD (professional development) to Brussels!  Choice aye, better than ICT conferences to Rotorua. 
It has been a year since Nath and I arrived in London.  The time has flown by.  It is neat to look back through the blog to see what we have done in the past year. 
The mornings are lighter and it is not pitch black when I arrive home from work - must mean that summer is on the way.  So desperate for some sun, I'm a weird pasty yellow colour.  Amy is coming over this arvo so we can book a resort break to Spain (or somewhere else sunny and cheap) in our April holidays.
Hope the first term is going well for the teachers back home.