Monday, June 20, 2011


This past weekend Anna, Boz, Nath and I undertook a road trip to Suffolk.  The only request from Anna was that we had to see a castle.  On day one we went to Framlingham Castle and spent a few hours walking around the castle.  The time was drawn out by Nath and Boz playing chess, Borrie really thinks through his moves! 
Nath and Boz to tall for the houses in Framlingham

We went to a sea side town called Southwold and walked along the pier.  Luckily we missed a massive downpour that caused immediate flooding on the roads.  Turns out the Brits dont slope their roads downwards towards a drain, they just make the roads flat with no drains.  Real clever. 

On Sunday, after no sleep as we stayed next to a night club, we visited some beautiful market villages.  The first one we came to was Bury-St-Edmund that has a ruined Abbey in the town centre.  We had fun climbing over the ruins, it so cool how you are able to get up close and touch things.

St Edmundsbury Cathedral
We then stopped at Lavenham before heading home to London.  Anna and I wanted tea and scones for afternoon tea so the boys reluctantly agreed and ended up wanting more! Gotta love clotted cream.  Thats all the travel for a while.  Hope to plan a few more weekends away during the summer months.

Bad taste, but good fit

Friends arrive in London

We have been so busy at the moment catching up with friends and family from back home.  Firstly Anna and Borrie arrived.  Luckily they have moved over so they wont be returning home for a while.  This will give us plenty of opportunities to travel with them.  They stayed at ours for the past week and it was neat to have them around. Almost felt like being back at uni.

On Thursday night Nath and I had a fun night at brick lane catching up with my Aunty Rose and Uncle Gav, and my cousin who lives in London.  It had been a while since I last saw them as I didn't get a chance to see them before I left NZ.  So it was really bizarre to see them in London.  I think they are a bad influence as I had a wee hang over on Friday.  It could of been the 3 rounds of drinks we got for free with our curry's!  Good deal.

Friday night was so fun as I got to catch up with my bestie - Tessa!  With her husband Gav.  They were only in London for one night before heading off on a 4 week tour of Europe.  They return to London mid July where I will get to spend a few more days hanging out with them, can't wait.

Any day now I am expecting a text to arrange a catch up with Julie who I caoched canoe polo with back home.  She is in London for her nieces wedding.  In exactly a month today I will be seeing Mum and Dad!  I will be doing a road trip around Scotland with them and then I will have time with them in London before they jet off to Turkey and Greece.

Busy busy.  Tomorrow is my school sports day that I have had to help organise.  The forecast is for some light rain showers, so fingers crossed they stay away till after 3:00.  I only have 3 weeks of work before we break up for summer.  Next week is education outside the classroom so classes are out and about.  That week will fly by then there's one left - with prize giving assemblies, and end of term lunches it will be a short week.


Nath and I made it to Lords (the spiritual home of cricket) for the second test between England and Sri Lanka.  The other spectators were very much English gentry! We saw a lot of chinos, loafers and blazers, much different to what we would see walking down a London street.  Unfortunately the weather wasn't great so our day was cut short.  Around the ground they had cricket records that have been set at Lords and we saw one by Dan Vettori so we were stoked.
The other highlight of the day was being able to take alcohol into the ground.  Very bizarre.  Per person you could take 1 bottle of wine or 4 pint cans.  We still can't figure out why they let people BYO but it sure makes the day a little cheaper.

We had great seats, 2nd row.
Players on the balcony waiting for the rain to stop.