Sunday, January 22, 2012

Faithful Followers

To all my faithful followers I have decided to reward you for your diligent reading of my blog by posting some pics here that will not appear on facebook. Geez aren't you lucky!!  These photos were taken by Anna or Borrie on their camera on our winter road trip. 
Random graffiti wall in Berlin

Christmas tree infront of Brandenburg gate

New years celebrations in Krakow

Nussberg Hill, Vienna

Drinking Punsch in Vienna
Last night we had a successful planning mission of our Italy trip with Anna and Borrie.  We are going to have 2 days in Rome and then on the 3rd day take a day trip to Pompeii, before heading up to the Cinque Terre for 3 days of relaxing among the coastal villages.  The trip will be rounded off with two nights in Venice!!  It is going to be such a brilliant holiday but June seems such a long way off at the moment.  Luckily I have a trip to Tallinn and Morocco before then to tide me over. 
Currently we are looking for new flatmates.  Our current flatties are getting married next month and want to set up a love nest on their own.  We had a Kiwi couple come round and take a look this morning but I got the feeling they weren't keen.  Maybe the 75min bike ride to our place put them off!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Part II of Winter Road Trip

We are now back in London and have had 2 days back at work (3 for Nath - I love being a teacher!).  When we last left you we were in Vienna for Christmas.  From there we moved onto Slovakia to a little palce called Liptovsky Mikulas which is situated at the base of the biggest ski field in Slovakia, Jansa. We had two awesome days of skiing for a very reasonable price.  Even at the ski field beers were only 1 euro.  We were unsure how good the snow and facilities would be as Slovakia doens't have a reputation for skiing.  The snow was mostly good, much better than what we get at Ruapehu, and the chair lifts were cool and even had a gondola.  Overall better and cheaper than Ruapehu.

We then drove onto Krakow where we were to celebrate the New Year in the Old Town square.  The square was packed with people and fireworks were set off at midnight.  In previous years there is usually bands and DJs playing but not this year, the atmosphere was still good though.  While in Krakow we visited Wieliczka Salt Mine and the concentration camps of Auschwitz and Birkenau.   Nath and I got up early on the morning of the 1st and walked up the hill to Wawel Castle, where the Polish Royal Family used to live, and had a wander around the castle grounds. 

The last leg of our journey was a stop over in Wroclaw.  When we walked to the main square we could see a big stage being dismantled so we wonder if New Year celebrations moved from Krakow to Wroclaw and we didn't get the memo!
A fantastic road trip came to an end as we had to resume normal life and head back to work.  I have been eased into it and have 3 teacher only days this week with students starting back on Monday.  To ease the post holiday blues Nath and I have booked some flights and have plenty of travel lined up for 2012.  Bring it on!