Wednesday, April 28, 2010

1st Month over already

Nath and I are into our 5th week in London. Time has gone by so quickly.
Since our last blog we have been keeping a fairly low profile in London. We have:
  • been to the Museum of Natural History
  • caught up with my friend Sara from Uni
  • been to the British Museum
  • caught up with Nick and Alicia who we often ski with
  • had a day trip Norwich where Nath had an interview
  • moved house (twice!) and still not in our final destination. Still looking for a room somewhere, staying with friends at the moment (Boz - you know them. We are staying with Philippa Brown who worked at EY with you)
  • caught up with Helen and Chris (yay). Had an afternoon at the pub followed by a rugby match at Twickenham. The stadium is amazing and I was super excited to be at such a big venue. Helen is hopefully sourcing tickets for England v All Blacks in November. Go the ABs (All Whites are still my number 1 team though xxx)
  • crossed off a few more London landmarks - covent garden, trafalgar square, leicester square, hyde park, royal albert theatre, kensington gardens

At the moment I am working for a week at the same school doing PE relief. Its an ok school but does take 90min to commute each way :( Next week I start a 4wk block with a school in South London, Cator Park, so that should be all good. I have started applying for permanent jobs for the start of the school year. A family has emailed wanting me to live with them in Rome and speak English to their 2 girls over the summer break. Im looking into it.

Nath's job hunt continues. He has a few interviews each week which is promising.

We randomly booked flights to Venice with a group of 8 friends. We are going in 3wks and its just for the weekend. Totally bizzarre that we can go to another country just for the night!! Awesome. Nath reckons if the canal ride is too expensive he will row (?) the gondolar himself!!!

Thats all folks.

If you want to get in contact or leave a comment but aren't sure how to do it via the blog, email me on or nathan at

1 comment:

  1. Hi Guys
    Just checking in, 3 weeks now til I leave here and arrive there! Sorry to hear things are still progressing slow on the house front. Are you looking to get a place on your own or a room in a flat? I've been investigating on and there seems to be too many to choose from! Hope the next school is cool and that Nate gets some luck soon on the work front.
    See ya soon!
    Amy xxoo
