Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Just a really quick update as Im in an internet cafe and should be updating my cv!
Nath and I have moved into our flat. Its a brilliant location, just off the Chiswick high st, but unfortunately the walls are very thin and we can hear the people upstairs and even our flatmates in the next room quite easily. Things you don't find out about a place until you move in!! It is quite a newish building and the flat itself is quite big, 2 bdrm, 2 bathrm which is awesome. Will post some pics soon. Still waiting for internet to get connected at home. BT have to connect the phone line before O2 can hook up the net. Even then, our laptop has got another virus/crapped out yet again. So eve if we did have internet we wouldn't have access. Ugh.
Long weekend here coming up. Really feel the pressure to go somewhere exciting but unfortunately we have decided not to, and put the £ towards a new laptop.
Nath is loving his job. It seems fairly cruisy (how does he get cushy jobs all the time!!) and he wears jeans and t-shirt to work. Only wears a suit when having meetings. He has landed a sales/marketing job with a fairly new company that is still in the set up stages. Great business experience for Nath.
Not a lot of work around for me coming up to half term. Have been booked for a PE job starting after half term and going til the end of the school year. Still persisting with applying for permanent jobs for Sept start. Hence the CV update im supposed to be doing.
Better go, only 19min of internet time left (after being on facebook for a large chunck of the 1st 40min!!!).
Hope the rain has stopped in NZ.

1 comment:

  1. We are loving the blog. Keep the updates going, even though I know it can be a pain sometimes. Its great to read all about what you are doing, and I am loving the idea that you get to go to other countries for the weekend!!
