Sunday, July 25, 2010

South Bank Walk

After our pigging out at the food market we decided we were in need of a drink and we were off to the nearest pub! We started to walk along the South Bank of the Thames to find a pub. After a couple of drinks we continued our walk til we came across a better pub with views over looking the Thames to St Pauls Cathedral. We walked past Shakespeare's Globe on the way.

At a late stage in the arvo we decided to leave the bad influences of Bhav and Emma and continue on our way. Our walk took us to the London Eye and we crossed Westminster bridge to Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament.

From Westminster we continued on our merry way (after a much needed pit stop) to Trafalgar Square, St James' Park, Buckingham Palace, and along Pall Mall to Piccadilly Circus. By then it was time to head home.

Archway at Trafalgar Square

London Borough Market

Nath and I met Emma and Bhav at the London Borough food market for a look see. It was jam packed and a very popular place to be. On one side of the road was food to take home such as meats, fish, fresh produce, breads, preserves,and on the other side of the road was food to eat now like holloumi cheese vege burgers (yum) and ice cream.
Below are some pics of the array of food for sale.

Cheese toastie sandwiches chocka full of cheese!

Massive wheels of cheese - each one weighs approx 36kgs

Chocolate brownie - it was pretty good (missing chunks of chocolate though!)

Dishes of Malaysian curry

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Birthday Fun

Nath got me tickets to Oliver for my birthday - awesome

Clare and I discovered strawberry and lime cider - YUM

Before dinner drinks

Nath and Emma with their random looking rice!

Smoking a shisha pipe

I had a fanatstic birthday. The day started with a huge long chat to Mum and Dad through skype, during which I opened the presents they gave me. Awesome. Met up with Clare and had a yummy lunch and a shop along Oxford St and Covent Garden/lLeicester Square area. I met up with Nath after he finished work and he took me to see Oliver the westend show. It was fantastic. A much more classier production than the version I remeber being part of with Heretaunga Intermediate. Yesterday Julia, Bhav, Emma and Clare came around for afternoon drinks and dinner at a local Persian restaurant, the food wasn't great but we had fun smoking our shisha pipe afterwards. My throat hurt this morning so I think thats the end of my smoking days.
This coming week is the last week of the school year then its 6 weeks of nothing for me. I am looking into summer coaching jobs - to keep me occupied and keep a little bit of cash rolling in.
Nath is enjoying his job - there has been a lot more interest in their products and hits on their web page.
Not long til bro Nath and CJ arrive, 1st Aug. Their flight arrives at 5:50am so its going to be an early start if I go to the airport. So early infact that the tube wont be running.
The summer weather has gone away for the moment, I think Clare bought the shitty NZ winter with her, hope my summer weather comes back soon.

Friday, July 9, 2010


Beautiful wedding dress - Anna you can have dibs on this one!

Transport for London - Underground set up. Candace you will think this is so much fun - and it was.

Bus scenario

Zane and Nath - notice any similarities?

My work at TfL has finished, back to supply teaching for two weeks before summer holidays begin.
Nath had a big work sales pitch yesterday. Hopefully it will lead to some sales. I'm heading along to meet his boss tonight at work drinks. I have painted my nails for the occasion.
Zane stayed with us for a few nights, we went out a bit and met some of his mates that live in London. Will see Zane again at the end of Aug in Vienna for his wedding.
Not long til Nath number 2 arrives. His flight gets in at 5:50am so Im not overly keen to meet him at the airport, but I will cause Im nice.
Amy stayed the last 2 nights. She bought me a jug to mix my pimms in, so quintessentially English -a jug of pimms on a summer day. Pimms is fortified wine, drunk with lemonade, and cut up fruit like cucumber (yuck - mine never has cucumber), lemones, oranges, strawberrys. Anything goes really. We nearly polished off a bottle in one afternoon! Nice set up with the nibbles too :)