Sunday, August 8, 2010

My Brother has Landed

Brother Nath arrived a week ago. Time has flown by. We have taken the FOPs (Fresh Off the Plane) around London, re-doing the Southbank walk and including a few other stop off's including Westminster Abbey and The National Gallery. Whilst having a quick wander through the mammoth national art gallery we came across 3 Van Gough originals!! Crazy. Just hanging on the wall, no big deal.
Nath boyf (this could get confusing with 2 Naths around) and I have two weeks til we head off to Vienna for Zane's (Naths bro) wedding. Will be good times, and Nath will get to meet his 5 month old niece for the 1st time, which he is looking forward too. We have also bought tickets for the All Blacks v Scotland in Edinburgh on 13th November. What a great reason to visit Scotland. Go the ABs. While Nath as been 'busy' at work he manages to serach for cheap flights on Ryan air and Easy jet. Hopefully we can get away for a weekend in October. Last time we looked there were £5 flights to Hamburg.
Today we indulged in London park culture and met Alicia and Rob at Putney park and hung out for the afternoon. While it seems like a good idea to drink beers in the park, the practicality of not having a toilet close by ruins the buzz. A 10min walk to the nearest pub to pop in for a cheeky whizz soon puts a halt to the afternoon drinking.
While on school holidays I have been busy creating an online photo album of our South America trip. Its a massive 62 pages, and I found it really hard to keep the page numbers down as we have so many amazing photos. The total cost of my creation is $82 USD. Will wait til I have an income to purchase it!
Sorry if some of the pics aren't clear in quality, they are taken from my cell phone.

The Bowler - but not the Dunedin student variety

Following the Millennium Bridge to St Paul's

Westminster Abbey

The Household Cavalry museum

Looking out over Trafalgar Sq from the National Gallery, with Big Ben in the background

Flashing nipples, a vibrator or pheremone cream!

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