Friday, October 22, 2010


Last weekend Nath and I went to a travel show which promised discounts from numerours travel companies.  We were not disappointed when we went home having booked a day trip to Brugge (or Bruges) and a 6 day trip around Ireland.  The day trip to Bruge is at the begining of December and the point is to check out the Christmans markets.  Unfortunately anything we buy will not make back to NZ in time for Chrsitmas!  Bruge is meant to be beautiful, being a UNESCO world heritage site, so with the Christmas lights I think it will be very photogenic!  As it has some canals it is sometimes referred to as The Venice of the North.
Our trip around Ireland is going to be so much fun.  It is with a company called Paddywagon Tours - just the name alone sounds fun.  We are going for New Years so it will be great having drinks and celebrations with other people.  We will actually spend the night of the 31st on the Dingle Peninsula.  My brother and his girlfriend will be travelling with us.  The trip departs on 27th Dec and finishes on the evening of  the 1st.  Don't think we will be booking flights back on the 1st!
Soon the All Black's Tour of the Northern Hemisphere will begin.  We are going to two of the games.  Helen and Chris managed to get 4 tickets to the AB's Vs Engalnd at Twickenham on 6th November, its going to be a great weekend with H&C staying at ours for the weekend.  How much fun it will be ribbing Chris when the AB's win.  The following weekend we are off to Edinburgh to watch the AB's smash Scotland.  Lots happening in the lead up to Christmas.  Time is flying by.  We are now into our 9th month living in London.  It has nearly been a year since I finished work at Pram College, crazy.
Not sure what our plans are for Christmas.  Was thinking of ducking over to Paris but will probably spend Christmas in London and fly to Dublin on the 26th.  Nathan thought it would be nice to be around home so that we have internet access to be able to skype family and friends back home on the big day.
Half term break starts today.  I am working today but managed to get a teacher to log me on while Im supervising a class in the library/computer room.  Sweet.  I can see that most of the class are playing games but at least they're quiet which has enabled me to write this blog :)
Nathan is going to a ski show this Saturday in the hope that there are some deals on ski packages for the Feb school holidays.  That would be cool.  Also looking at a trip to Turkey for ANZAC day as ANZAC weekend falls on Easter weekend so it would mean Nath wouldn't need to take annual leave.  There are some 5 day tours that we are looking into.
The weather has taken on a chilly bite in the past 2 days.  So far I can still see daylight and the sun is shining, it just isn't very warm.  Winter is here!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Windsor, Stonehenge, Bath and Andrews' Family Visit

The Andrews' arrive in London!

Nath and I have had a very busy week. Brian, Lorraine, Kylie and Ashleigh arrived in London after 5 weeks of travelling around Europe. They were pretty tired when they finally got here but managed to pack in a lot of sight seeing in the 6 days that they were here. They had a day trip to Brighton and a day trip around Bath and Stonehenge. Also the usual London tourist spots were visited as well as having a curry down Brick Lane. While we were visiting Greenwich we came across barriers that prevented us walking around the Royal Navy College. It took a split second to realise that it was the filming of the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie! I lay down on the concrete to sneak some pics from under the barriers but that didn't go down to well with the security staff!
It was sad to see the Andrews' leave as we don't know when we will see them again. Brian and Lorraine would like to come back and are already talking of places to visit. Kylie wants to come back to do Greece and little English towns. Hopefully they return while we are still here.

Windsor Castle




Thatched roof in Avebury