Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Windsor, Stonehenge, Bath and Andrews' Family Visit

The Andrews' arrive in London!

Nath and I have had a very busy week. Brian, Lorraine, Kylie and Ashleigh arrived in London after 5 weeks of travelling around Europe. They were pretty tired when they finally got here but managed to pack in a lot of sight seeing in the 6 days that they were here. They had a day trip to Brighton and a day trip around Bath and Stonehenge. Also the usual London tourist spots were visited as well as having a curry down Brick Lane. While we were visiting Greenwich we came across barriers that prevented us walking around the Royal Navy College. It took a split second to realise that it was the filming of the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie! I lay down on the concrete to sneak some pics from under the barriers but that didn't go down to well with the security staff!
It was sad to see the Andrews' leave as we don't know when we will see them again. Brian and Lorraine would like to come back and are already talking of places to visit. Kylie wants to come back to do Greece and little English towns. Hopefully they return while we are still here.

Windsor Castle




Thatched roof in Avebury

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