Friday, February 25, 2011

Wessex Roady

This week I have been on Mid Term break so with a week off work Nath and I hired a car and took it on a Roady.  We covered most of the towns in Wessex - south west England.  What we are proud of is how budget we were when plannig our trip.  We found a web page called so we booked all our accom through here - B&Bs with english breakfast.  The main factor in booking a night was that it had to provide breaky - which also saved us money on lunches as with a big breakfast we found we didn't have a big lunch - usually a scone or muffin.  We also have a taste card which gives us 2 4 1 or 50% off at restaurants that have signed up so we made sure we ate only at these restaurants. 
We started off in Winchester looking at the old castle and the cathedral.  We also walked past the house where Jane Austen died.  Our first night was in Portsmouth.  Nath had loads of fun looking round the historic dockyard where the HMS Victory and HMS Warrior are moored.  They also have on display the last remaining sail from HMS Vicotry that was used in the Battle of Trafalgar - full of holes where cannons ripped through it. 
Then we visited the seaside town of Weymouth.  Enroute we explored the ruins of Corfe castle and drove to the seaside town of Swanage. Weymouth is hosting the sailing events of the 2012 Olympics. We left our details with our B&B so that they can let us know if they have any vaccancies over the Olympics as Nath and I would be keen to return to watch some sailing, especially as Kiwis would be competing.
We saw the light house on Porltand Point and the bizzarre round Portland Castle.  Then we headed for Lulworth Cove on the Jurassic coast - a UNESCO world heritage site for its fossils. We had a night in Bournemouth which was not that exciting.  Walking down the main street reminded me of Hamilton! On return to London we stopped at Salisbury and looked through the amazing Cathedral.  The cathedral hold one of four orignal copies of the Magna Carta - we counldn't read it though because its written in Latin!
Nath's text books have arrvied for him to start his accounting papers.  How fun I can be a teacher at home and at work.
Today is definitely a relax at home day.  We have been invited to a birthday dinner for Scott who we met on our trip around Ireland.  Will be cool to catch up.    
Our niece Lena is having her 1st birthday party tomorrow, cant believe she's one already! She was born when we were in Cusco.
Hope all you NZ teachers have settled into the school year and have nice classes.
Adios amigos.

 Corfe Castle Ruins

 Corfe Town

 Portland Castle - a bit budget, makes Larnach Castle look good

Cerne Giant

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