Thursday, July 28, 2011


After driving for 15 days and 10 hours we finally got to Glasgow - ok maybe it wasn't quite that long.  It was neat to see Mum and Dad after our super quick catch up at Heathrow. 

Breakfast pit stop
Our destination was the Isle of Skye so we didn't spend too much time chatting on the road side.  Packed up the car and we were off to explore Scotland.  The first little town we stopped at we checked out the tourist information centre.  Turns out the lady who works there has a sister living in Napier so we were treated like royalty - free postcards and maps to help us along the way.
Before we reached our accommodation in Kyleakin we stopped at Eilean Donan castle.  It is very picturesque as it sits on the edge of a peninsula (kind of) and is surrounded by water. 

Eilean Donan Castle
Kyleakin was a very small fishing village with only 3 restuarants to choose from for dinner. On the plus side it did have a ruined castle over looking the village so in the morning we walked up the hill to check it out.
Ruins of Castle Moil, Kyleakin
We then drove around the Isle of Skye, as it is so small we covered the whole Island in a day.  We went for a walk to the Neist Point Light house, got a flat tyre and had yummy hot chips by the sea side in Portree. 

Neist Point

The next day we headed to Inverness, stopping off to see a canal lock system in use.  Dad was very fascinated but Mum and I headed off for a coffee.  On the way up to Inverness we saw Urquhart Castle and failed in our attempt to spot the Loch Ness monster. 

Inverness wasn't quite what I expected, I was disappointed with sea gulls and rubbish dump smell all over the city.  Luckily I had booked accommodation in a little town called Ardersier which only had one restuarant to choose for dinner.  Thankfully the food was very tasty.  The next day we saw the Falkirk Wheel in action on our drive from Inverness to Edinburgh.  It is quite an amazing feat of engineering. 

Falkirk Wheel - takes canal boats up (or down) to the next canal
Nath and I were pleased to be in Edinburgh on a sunny hot day as last time we were there it was freezing cold for the All Blacks match.  There was a cool vibe in the city due to a jazz festival and the sun being out.  We wondered around and found a sunny spot in Princess Gardens to enjoy an ice block while Mum and Dad visited the Castle.  There were plenty of dinner options tonight and we choose a funky cafe/restuarant/bar and pigged out on sharing plates.  


The drive back to London was an enourmous 7 hours or so, not helped by road works just north of Luton airport.  We stopped at Hadrians Wall to break up the drive and give Nath a chance to quench his thirst for all things History.  As the wall is 2000 years old I think we could all appreciate how significant it is. 

Back in London now and being a hotel and tourist guide for Mum and Dad.  Today they have ventured off by themselves to Weymouth and then Cornwall for some exciting travel adventures. 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Birthday Bash

It has been a fun few days in London.  It started on Thurs with Mum and Dad having a stop over in Heathrow for 3hrs before flying onto Ireland.  I got to have a whirlwind catch up with them and exchange birthday presents with Dad.  Tessa also arrived back in town on Thursday so it was all action. 
On Friday my birthday started with Nathan waking me up early as he had to go to work!  Tessa came round and checked out my pad before we lunched in Finchley.  We headed to central London and straight to the M&Ms store.  Loud and bright and kids everywhere! I was like a kid in a candy store.  Tessa went a bit crazy with shopping - buying a t-shirt and other souvenirs.  I was good and only spent £2.20 on a selection of chocolates. We then headed to Marble Arch and Selfridges. 

After it was time for a pre-dinner drink.  The pub was super cheap with only £10 jugs of Pimms.  I do question the strength of the drink though,  it tasted more like lemonade. 
We headed to Brick Lane for a curry - where the curry is never really that good but a cheap night is guaranteed.  Anna bought me a Camilla face mask as a fun birthday present so we had fun taking photos and drinking loads of wine.  Each of us was carrying a bottle of wine, plus we negotiated two free drinks with our meal.  Needless to say we had far too much wine at the table and a big night was had by most.  Anna was keen to take the party to Elephant and Castle to go clubbing but as 1) I had too many clothes on so I was not revealing enough flesh and 2) I didn't have my stab proof vest we turned down the offer.

We struggled to rise early the next morning to take Tessa and Gavin on sight seeing tour of the English country side.  We missioned to Stonehenge where Nath and I paid to go in again.  Why?  What a waste of money.  The first time was never that exciting so Im not sure where the impulse came from to pay to see it again. We then headed to the most picturesque town in England as described by the Lonely Planet, Castle Combe, with a stop off at Devizes for a traditional pub lunch.  The final stop of the day was to Bath, home of the Sally Lunn bun, where again Tessa did some souvenir shopping with a bit of sight seeing thrown in.  The only English tradition we missed showing Tessa was a castle!

Nath and I are gearing up for two months of exciting travel adventures.  The next two months look a little like this:
  • Scotland - with my parents - late July
  • Amsterdam - Anna, Boz, Nath and I - mid August
  • Egypt - Nath and I - late Aug, begining of Sept
  • Munich for Oktoberfest - 8+ friends from Uni - mid Sept
Somewhere between Egypt and Munich I have to be back at work :(  Work is far from my mind, living in the moment and loving it.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Summer begins

Well my 2 month summer break has begun!  This week is going to be slow and relaxing and then next week onwards the action begins.  Will have a week with Tessa in London, then a week in Scotland with my parents, then 11 days with my parents in London.  It's going to be awesome.  This Thursday Mum and Dad pass through Heathrow on their way to Ireland so I will tube out and hopefully, fingers crossed, get to spend an hour so with them at the airport before they fly out.  Enough time for a coffee and an exchange of birthdays presents - my birthday is on Friday and Dads is on Saturday.  Already told him that seeing me is his present!
The weekend of Nathan's birthday we are going to Amsterdam for an unforgettable birthday (of course this depends on how many cafe's we visit!).  Anna and Borrie are coming along and hopefully Burns too. 
Summer is rounded off with a 9 day tour of Egypt with just Nath and I.  It will be nice to have some bonding time just the two of us. 
Then its back to work.  But to brighten up my mood at having to be back at work we are going to Oktoberfest to drink beer!  My dream come true.  I only have work one full week before I get the day off to drink beer.  How cool.
We have been busy keeping our wee garden alive.  The herbs have taken off and the tomato plants are huge but no sign of fruit yet.  Ceck out the BGT (before growing time) and DGT (during growing time) pics below.

We had a super cute skype conversation with Zane and Lena last Friday.  It has been a month perhaps since we last talked and its amazing to see the changes in Lena.  She copies Romana and wears a handbag on her arm and wraps her doll up in a blanket before dumping her in the pram.  So cute.

This past weekend we met Anna and Borrie at the Tate Modern and got a wee bit cultural.  Nath and I had checked out one whole floor while A&B were still in the 1st gallery!  We decided to change tact and headed to the London Bridge experience, which all in all was very lame and tame.  It was meant to be the scariest experience in London but it was pathetic, we felt ripped off and we had 2 4 1 tickets.  Poor suckers who pay full price. 
Some modern contemporary work
Will keep you updated as our summer travels take place. 
Mich and Nath