Monday, November 21, 2011


Well after a cancelled flight, a 3hr delayed flight due to Italian workers air strikes, no train service from Pisa to Florence due to a strike, I somehow managed to arrive in Florence.  Work sent me on professional development training so it was pretty full on from day 1 - 3.  As they all say, I was too busy working to see much of the city, and it was true.  Our course started at 8:30am and finished at 4:30.  I have learnt loads and have a better understanding of the curriculum we are trying to teach here.
In the evenings my colleague and I would head into town to spend an hour looking in shops before they closed at 6!  Everything closed up early as it is 'low season'.  We didn't get to see Michelangelo's David, nor the Duomo Cathedral.  I did manage to buy some leather goods - gloves lined with cashmere to keep my fingers warm in winter, and a new handbag that I really "needed". 
Florence is such a romantic city. We wandered little narrow streets that would open up onto a big piazza with restaurants around the outside and a fountain in the middle.  Many couples were eating outside, despite the cold, snuggled up to each other which added to the air of romance.  The homemade ravioli and steaming hot pizza that I had for dinner were amazing.  The prices were very reasonable too, not that it mattered much as school was paying.  Florence is definately a city I will come back and visit, and I'll bring Nathan along too.  It is a shame I was stuck in a classroom and couldn't be out and about doing my tourist thing.
Less than a month til our epic Christmas road trip where I will be definitely be able to explore new cities.  We are covering 5 countries in 16 days so there will be lots to see!  Until then I have reports to write, how fun.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Blackheath Fireworks and Amy leaving :(

On Saturday Amy had a farewell to London with a few drinks at the pub followed by a fireworks display at Blackheath.  Only a quiet 100,000 at the fireworks!!  The pub where we met was located under the railway arches of Waterloo train station - very cool - and had murals on the ceilings to commemerate the Battle of Waterloo.  Very British.
After the fireworks bonanza we walked through Greenwich where we came across a relatively empty pub.  Turns out it is a student pub with really cheap drinks - £11 for a round hell yeah.
We are meeting up with Amy one last time for dinner on Wednesday night before she heads back to NZ to set up a love nest with Brad.  I will miss Amy loads.  We had an all inclusive girly trip to Spain, an ANZAC trip to Gallipoli, loads of Friday night dinner and drinks when Nath and I lived in West London, and she convinced me to buy my coffee machine  What a good influence Amy is!. 

In amongst the crowd!