Monday, November 7, 2011

Blackheath Fireworks and Amy leaving :(

On Saturday Amy had a farewell to London with a few drinks at the pub followed by a fireworks display at Blackheath.  Only a quiet 100,000 at the fireworks!!  The pub where we met was located under the railway arches of Waterloo train station - very cool - and had murals on the ceilings to commemerate the Battle of Waterloo.  Very British.
After the fireworks bonanza we walked through Greenwich where we came across a relatively empty pub.  Turns out it is a student pub with really cheap drinks - £11 for a round hell yeah.
We are meeting up with Amy one last time for dinner on Wednesday night before she heads back to NZ to set up a love nest with Brad.  I will miss Amy loads.  We had an all inclusive girly trip to Spain, an ANZAC trip to Gallipoli, loads of Friday night dinner and drinks when Nath and I lived in West London, and she convinced me to buy my coffee machine  What a good influence Amy is!. 

In amongst the crowd!

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