Sunday, February 26, 2012

Stratford Upon Avon

We travelled to the birth place of Shakespeare to escape London for the weekend and to help Anna celebrate her birthday.  Luckily for Anna she was only 29 and not the big 3 0 this year.  Im well jel.  The roady started off with a scenic lunch stop in Broadway, an old market village, which was just beautiful.  It helped that the sun was shining and we were soaking up the vitamin D.  On our drive we were slowed down by riders gathering on horse back for the start of a hunt.  We thought the good old english sport was illegal but we witnessed the whole pageantry first hand. 

We then arrived in Startford where we were bombarded with all things Shakepeare.  Where he was born, where he died, his tombstone, his mothers house, his wifes house, the pub where he drank, etc etc you get the picture. 

Sunday started off with a good hearty english breakfast at our B&B before we headed off to do the touristy sights of Anne Hathaway's cottage (Shakespeare's wife) and to exolpore the ruins of Kenilworth Castle.  The castle was built in the 13th century and hosted Queen Elizabeth in 1575.  Quickly becoming tradition with our weekend trips away we ended the weekend with an english afternoon tea of scones with clotted cream, naturally, cake and tea.  What a way to finish the weekend and prepare us for the drive back to London.  

Friday, February 17, 2012

Tallinn and Riga Girls Trip!

Thanks to it being Feb half term it was time for me to go on holiday again.  This time the boys were left at home as 8 girls from NLIS took to the streets of Tallinn and Riga.  Luckily the temperature in London had taken a dive before we flew out as this helped us acclimatise to the -10 temps of Tallinn.  The holiday got off to a good start when the hotel reception offered us free mulled wine upon arrival and then a top up of white or red after that.  From then on it was eating out with long lunches and delicious dinners with a spot of sight seeing thrown in around all the restuarant stops.  One of the highlights was a tour of the KGB museum.  In the Commy era a hotel in Tallinn was famous for being a tourist drawcard.  The hotel had 22 floors but the KGB operated on a secret 23rd floor of the hotel.  We heard some fascinating stories of how the KGB spied on people in the hotel and we got to see one of the rooms exactly as the KGB had left it. 
Free beer!
KGB spy equipment
Four of us were keen enough to take a 4 hour bus ride to the city of Riga.  The bus had free wifi, coffee and so much leg room I couldn't reach the footrest in front of me!!  We had fun looking around the city and discovering the Kiwi Bar where Lisa and I received a free pint for being Kiwi.  Nice.  We so nearly missed the bus back to Tallinn as we couldn't find the bus stop.  It turns out its not across the road from where it drops you off to head back in the other direction.  A frantic phone call and a mad dash across traffic and we found the bus waiting for us.  Thank you bus driver for waiting for us for 10 minutes.
Beautiful doll like buildings of Riga
We arrived back in Tallinn with it snowing and Lisa and I the only ones brave enough to face the cold.  We walked along the old city walls and walked to the other side of the old town to see the cathedral.  After we warmed up inside with a nice baileys hot chocolate and our final meal before heading back to London.
Alexander Nevsky Cathedral
Looking out over Tallinn from the KGB museum

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Yorkshire - Green Hammerton, Pateley Bridge, Knaresborough

Nathan and I had a fabulous weekend catching up with Helen and Chris, and most special of all meeting their new son Lewis.  He is the best baby in the world as he doesn't cry and is very relaxed about having visitors cuddle him.  He was very snuggly and unfortunately Helen wouldn't let me bring Lewis to London.  We had loads of laughs over the weekend and as usual with a stay at the McCullys we were taken on a couple of walks.  It was a beautiful weekend to be out of London and in the country side as it snowed and we got some amazing photographs.