Sunday, February 26, 2012

Stratford Upon Avon

We travelled to the birth place of Shakespeare to escape London for the weekend and to help Anna celebrate her birthday.  Luckily for Anna she was only 29 and not the big 3 0 this year.  Im well jel.  The roady started off with a scenic lunch stop in Broadway, an old market village, which was just beautiful.  It helped that the sun was shining and we were soaking up the vitamin D.  On our drive we were slowed down by riders gathering on horse back for the start of a hunt.  We thought the good old english sport was illegal but we witnessed the whole pageantry first hand. 

We then arrived in Startford where we were bombarded with all things Shakepeare.  Where he was born, where he died, his tombstone, his mothers house, his wifes house, the pub where he drank, etc etc you get the picture. 

Sunday started off with a good hearty english breakfast at our B&B before we headed off to do the touristy sights of Anne Hathaway's cottage (Shakespeare's wife) and to exolpore the ruins of Kenilworth Castle.  The castle was built in the 13th century and hosted Queen Elizabeth in 1575.  Quickly becoming tradition with our weekend trips away we ended the weekend with an english afternoon tea of scones with clotted cream, naturally, cake and tea.  What a way to finish the weekend and prepare us for the drive back to London.  

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