Sunday, January 27, 2013

Love the Dogs

See how cheap the burger is!
Last weekend we took part in an English institution - Greyhound Racing.  It was as I had thought it would be - tacky with loads of people smoking and betting. We got a mega cheap deal - £8 for entrance and a  burger and pint x2. I had wondered if the burgers were cheap because they were made from the dogs that came last in the races.  Nath and I dabbled in some betting and on one race won £15.70 (the biggest win of the night from our group) by choosing the first two dogs.  We ended up even at the end of the night. Bit of a mission getting home from Wimbledon as there were train delays, which meant we were waiting 20 minutes for a train, and getting worried we would miss the last tube north. All-in-all a good night out as it was something different, but probably won't do it again.

Scott dressed like a burglar for the trip home

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