Thursday, August 8, 2013

Waiting for ferry - Montenegro

Well we allowed ourselves so much extra time this morning we have arrived 3 hours before our ferry is meant to depart! Luckily we have found a cafe with wifi so we have been entertaining ourselves on the Internet.  Our ferry is taking us from Bar in Montenegro to Bari in Italy.  It is an 8 hour journey.
The last couple of days we have spent at the beach in Sveti Stefan.  A little town with an Island for the rich and famous that we weren't allowed on.  The beach was lovely - warm crystal clear water.  We are still melting in the day with temperatures hitting 37 degrees.  Sleeping at night can be difficult as we have the air con on and some are really loud!
We have found the food to be fairly average and expensive in Montenegro.  Looking forward to a decent pizza in Italy and especially fresh ravioli! Nathan flies into meet us in Naples on Friday night where we then go off to explore Pompeii, Sorento, Isle of Capri, and finally Sardinia.  I'm hoping the temperatures will be cooler in Italy.
When I get back to London I need to write a blog for our amazing Greece trip and fill you in on what we got up to.

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