Saturday, April 12, 2014

Chateau'd Out

1st stop - Cheverny
Today we visited 3 chateau's in the Loire Valley region.  They are magnificent!  Chambord was not even lived in because it was too cold as it was too large to heat! Even a Polish King in exile didn't live there very long. 
2nd stop - Chambord
Last stop - Chateau Royal De Blois
Tomorrow we are leaving Blois and have a really long 6.5hr drive to the next town of Carcassonne.  After tomorrow we will only have long drive left at the end of our trip to get us back to England.  We are breaking up the car trip tomorrow with a stop in Oradour-sur-Glane - a town that was heavily bombed in the war and has been left as it was at the end of the war.

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