Saturday, September 13, 2014

Scooter madness

In Saigon it feels as if everyone owns and drives a scooter or motorbike.  Our tour guide to the tunnels, Pink (because we couldn't say her Vietnamese name), said tax on car purchases is 150% to deter people from buying cars.  Also car parking is a real problem as there is not enough spaces so that acts as further deterrent from owning a car.  
We have seen some pretty amusing things being transported on the back of scooters.  It amazes me that they are used to transport to whole families.  It's funny seeing business people all dressed up flash scooting to work.  You also see people riding and texting. Here are some pictures below to illustrate what I mean.  You may also notice people wearing face masks.  Pink told us that 15 people a day die in Saigon due to respiratory illnesses.

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