Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Well Hue was a little disappointing after the highlight of Hoi An!  There just wasn't the colour of the lanterns nor the yummy food that Hoi An had, and no beach either.  
While in Hue we did a day tour taking in the citadel, pagoda and royal tombs.  We started at the citadel  which was the former imperial city and was heavily bombed by the USA in the war.  Currently a lot of the buildings are being reconstructed.  There were some temples that we saw but most of the complex is in ruins.  

We then visited Thien Mu Pagoda which apparently is one of the most iconic structures in Vietnam.  here is a picture, decide for yourself if it is iconic.  We just looked at this thing and then walked around it and got back on the bus.  
After our lunch break we spent the afternoon visitng a Royal Tombs. The a Tombs are spread along the banks of the perfume river and we visited the Tomb of Minh Mang and the Tomb of Khao Dinh.  

The next day we had a bit of a sleep in and generally took it easy waiting for our 5pm departure on the night bus to Hanoi.  This was to be our longest and last night bus - 15.5hrs!

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