Nathan and I looking hot in our biking gear. The helmets were hard out full face ones which made you feel like a pro.

Just a wee example of how close we got to the edge of the drop off when cycling, and how narrow the road is!

Me hooning along. I was the fastest girl (except for 1 other chick who has Mt biked before and she kept up with the boys). Hence why Im bking all alone, too slow for the boys, too fast for the girls! ;)

Nath looking rather pro styles.

Group shot before we began. Nath is closest to the camera and Im down the other end.
I am following directly behind Nathan (with the bright white shoes and tapered pants!)
Wicked!! Awesome photos and great video! Wondered why you had to describe yourself so carefully, then watched the video and realised why! Glad Nath's jacket is so bright, definitely helps to spot him in a crowd!! :)