I had a fanatstic birthday. The day started with a huge long chat to Mum and Dad through skype, during which I opened the presents they gave me. Awesome. Met up with Clare and had a yummy lunch and a shop along Oxford St and Covent Garden/lLeicester Square area. I met up with Nath after he finished work and he took me to see Oliver the westend show. It was fantastic. A much more classier production than the version I remeber being part of with Heretaunga Intermediate. Yesterday Julia, Bhav, Emma and Clare came around for afternoon drinks and dinner at a local Persian restaurant, the food wasn't great but we had fun smoking our shisha pipe afterwards. My throat hurt this morning so I think thats the end of my smoking days.
This coming week is the last week of the school year then its 6 weeks of nothing for me. I am looking into summer coaching jobs - to keep me occupied and keep a little bit of cash rolling in.
Nath is enjoying his job - there has been a lot more interest in their products and hits on their web page.
Not long til bro Nath and CJ arrive, 1st Aug. Their flight arrives at 5:50am so its going to be an early start if I go to the airport. So early infact that the tube wont be running.
The summer weather has gone away for the moment, I think Clare bought the shitty NZ winter with her, hope my summer weather comes back soon.
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