Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Nath and I had whirl wind trip to Turkey to commerate ANZAC day at Gallipoli.  We flew into Istanbul and with a population of 20mil it is the biggest city we have been to thus far.  We did the usual touristy ventures - the grand bizaar, blue mosque, hagia sophia, underground cistern built in Roman times, and took a cruise down the bosphorus river.  After a full day in Instanbul we loaded up our over night gear and spent the day travelling to Gallipoli. 
By the time we arrived in Gallipoli all the good camping spots were taken so we had to squeeze in by some randoms.  A rough night was had as sleeping bags on tarpaulin means sliding down the hill in your sleep with your feet in someone's face, and someone's feet in your face!  Nice.  We were already awake when dawn broke and we took part in the dawn ceremony.  Nath found a kebab for breakfast then we headed up to the Australian memorial at Lone Pine.  After a quick look we continued up the hill to the NZ memorial site at Chunuk Bair.  As we did the 6km walk up the hill the layers we had put on during the night kept coming off and we had gorgeous views looking out to the Dardanelles.  On the way up we stoped to look at old cannons and walk through old trenches. 
The NZ service was a little disappointing as there were not enough seats for everyone inside the ceremony so there was a big screen set up on the lawn.  The screen was partially covered by a bush and the sound system was drowned out by the wind.  Eventually we moved to sit right infront of the speakers so we could hear the service.  On returning to Istanbul we had a big group dinner with our tour group then headed to bed for our flights home the next day. 
An amazing experience.  Being at the site you can appreciate how hard the ANZACs job was and why so many of them lost their lives - they were very exposed on the beach and had no escape from the Turkish fighters.  Im glad I have made this pilgrimage but I think once is enough.  Nath is keen to spend 2012 ANZAC at the Western Front.

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