Monday, September 6, 2010

England v Bulgaria

We had another action packed weekend. It started on Thursday night with us going to watch Blood Brothers. It was ok, nowhere near as big a production in terms of cast and stage set up as Oliver. Still it is nice to get out and do something.
Friday night we watched England kick Bulgaria's butt 4-0. It was a great atmosphere as the English supporters (73000 of them) were breaking into songs. Not that I could understand what they were saying. My favourite footy match of all time is the All Whites v Bahrain in Wellys and I dont think I will ever watch another game that aweseom again. England played pretty well except for Rooney who is as useless as tits on a bull.
Saturday we hung with my bro and checked out his new flat - very flash. And on Sunday we watched the Black Ferns beat England in the Rugby World Cup final. Unfortunately the Black Ferns got beaten by the ref and as a result the score line didn't blow out like it could have considering we had the best of possession and territory.
This Saturday we are having a day trip to Brighton with Nath and CJ to catch up with my Uncle. Fares were only £3.75 one way so pretty damn cheap and a good excuse to head out of London. The last of summer is quickly fading away. I have noticed it is getting darker earlier in the evenings.
Waiting to hear if I have a secured a long term contract at a school, my agencies are expecting to find out today. Pretty bloody useless on the schools behalf - why wait til the day school starts back before deciding on a PE teacher. Surely this could/should have been organised during the summer break so the teacher is ready to go for the 1st day of school!!

National Anthem

Rooney with the ball - I'm waiting for him to pass it to the opposition!

Nath looking quite bored with the action - probably wishing he was at a hockey match

Gerrard, Defoe and Rooney

Wembley Stadium

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