Thursday, September 16, 2010


Hi Team,
Not a lot to update you with. Nath brother, Chloe (CJ), Nath boyf and myself took a day trip to Brighton last weekend. It was a good opportunity for Nath bro to catch up with Uncle David and score a free lunch for the rest of us. For those that don't know - David is my Dads older brother. We did the usual tourist stop off at the Pier and wandered through the old narrow lanes. Both Naths were dismayed at how many jewellery shops there were. Chloe and I didn't mind looking at rings. Typical Nath bro wondered if the shops were prepared to give discount if two rings were bought.

Nath and Uncle David

Biggs family photo + Oscar

Other than our adventure to Brighton we have been fairly quiet, staying at home most nights in an attempt to save money. I have only had one day of work since school started back so Im starting to get a bit worried about the job situation and the lack of money coming in. Im hoping to hear back from a school today - hopefully they'll want to interview me, then I can work my magic and get the job.
Next weekend we are of to York - to visit Helen & Chris and Brenda & Jonte - all the way from NZ. Brenda is a colleague and footy mate from Pram days so it will be good fun catching up. Im thinking some backyard footy is on the cards. Im hoping to do a ghost tour of York at night. I think it is one of the oldest towns in England and has a lot of history.
The following pics are rather random and taken when walking around London.

The amazing differences in architectural style in London can be seen everywhere.

Crazy people waiting for Topshop to open midday Sunday.

Uncle James and his Tobacco manufacturing business. Hopefully if you enlarge the image you can see the inscription on the building.

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