Sunday, September 19, 2010

Pope's Visit

The Pope

Looking towards Buckingham Palace

St James' Park

St James' Park

Yesterday we lined the parade route to catch a glimpse of The Pope. Very pompous affair. The parade route was patrolled by police from 2 in the afternoon even though the drive by wasn't until 6. Nath and I arrived in town at 2 and had a look along the parade route then wandered around St James' Park. We also met up with Bhav and Emma who we managed to convince to come with us to see the Pope, and they convinced us to go to Brick Lane with them after for curry. Good end to the day. Especially as I bargained well for our group at dinner and got free popadoms, no corkage or service fees, and 2 4 1 on everything. So our dinner cost us £4.50 each - popadoms, vege samosas, curry, naan and rice. Bargain.

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