Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Derby Weekend

We have just had a fun weekend away in Derby with Helen and Chris. It was great visiting them at their home, it was especially nice to be able to sit outside on the lawn. Derby was very relaxing even though it is similar in size to Wellington in population you wouldn't know it as there are no high rise buildings or busy commercial streets. We had several BBQ's and watched the soccer along with a couple of their friends who were supporting Germany (the mood in the lounge was not good).
The weather has been amazingly hot here lately getting up to 30c most days, and to make it worse my air con in the office has broken down and they have not been able to fix it!
Michelle has 3 more days at TFL and is then looking to teach again. We're looking forward to Zane arriving this weekend as it will be fun to hangout together in london.
Not alot else happening this week

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