Wednesday, November 24, 2010

No Longer a Lady of Leisure

Thats right folks - I have a job!  Scored a great job at a private school in North London.  Its a permanent contract so I get paid for the 17 weeks of school holidays.  Gotta love that private schools have more holidays than public sector schools.  Check out the web site at  The school is an International school and teaches the Inernational Baccalaureate curriculum.  Students graduate with an IB Diploma which as well as academic grades includes hours devoted to the arts, community and volunteer work, and physical activity, in the aim of creating a well rounded citizen that will enhance society.  Teaching the IB curriculum will really enhance my CV, although Im not sure any schools in NZ teach this program yet.  Hard to believe that the NZ school year has nearly finsihed - what that means is that I've practically gone a full year with only working 5 full weeks.  Well I'll be in for a nasty shock come Jan when I start my 'real' job.  
London is starting to colder with our first snow fall forecast for later this week.  We still haven't turned on the heating which seems crazy but our flat is just so warm.  Nath and I are beginning to flat hunt though, as my job is over the other side of London, close to where Nath works, so it makes sense to move - looking at areas in North London.
On Saturday we went into Central London to visit the London Museum and check out the ice rinks that have opened up (we are aiming to ice skate this weekend after scoping out North London suburbs).   We went onto Bhav's for a night of rugby and poker.  Nath won so the winnings paid for Sunday lunch and ice skating this weekend.  Sadly Bhav and Emma move back to NZ on Tuesday :(  They will be missed. 

Loads of hype over the Royal Wedding - yawn.  It does give us a 4 day weekend (public holiday has been announced for the wedding day) so its a good opportunity to go away.  Nath being the huge romantic that he is will be keen to watch the Royal Wedding and soak in the atmosphere in London!  Will plead my case to shoot off somewhere, London will be crazy.
Looking out from Bhav's apartment to the Docks
Ice skating at the Tower of  London

1 comment:

  1. Great, you'll be able to pay for the olds holiday. Make sure there's room in the flat for us. I heard that the story goes that when Dunedin was being laid out they used the plans of Edinburgh and put them exactly into Dunedin taking no accouint of the terrain, hence the crazy steep streets of Dunedin.
