Saturday, March 13, 2010

Death Road

Well our tour is over, finito.
We had a great time and had some amazing experiences. We count ourselves lucky that we were able to have so many opportunities to interact with local communities. Those are the experiences that we treasure most as we learnt lots about other ways of life.
We are heading to Santiago tomorrow. We spoke to an Irish guy who lives in Santiago who was Mt Biking with us and he said the main city is fine and running as normal.
Yesterday was an epic day. We mountain biked the death road in bolivia! Was super fun and scary at the same time. It is called the death road for the shear drops off the side of the narrow dirt roads. Cars and buses were using the road to which made it all the more groovy. We got t-shirts to say we survived and a cd with photos. Unfortunately this computer does not have a cd drive so I havent viewed the pics nor can I upload them! Many people have died on the rd, in the 80s a bus load of 100 went over the side. We saw a memorial for an Israeli tourist who died in 01 Mt biking, and as late as May last yr a tourist guide died while running a tour. Pretty scary stuff, I wasnt aware of thes incidents until we had finished the ride.
Im getting so frustrated with the slow internet in South America. I have been waiting 30min to upload 5 photos. Ugh. The ICT guru in me is not happy. Well the computer has buggered out so you will have to wait for lake titicaca photos. Probably wont upload or update until we arrive in London. Bring on fast internet and tasty food.


  1. I'm glad I didn't know about the deaths before you went either. Looking forward to you getting to London and fast internet, decent computers. It will be good to Skyoe and actually talk instead of messaging because you have no mike. Enjoy Chile, hope the earth has stopped moving.

  2. Ha! I'm definitely with you - wouldn't have wanted to do the death road if you'd known about the actual deaths (although, I guess the name is a bit of a clue!)
    Think I would be getting a bit annoyed with the slow internet too!! Glad that Santiago sounds like it's still mostly business as usual. At least you don't have to do a last minute change of travel plans or anything!
    Have a safe flight etc - have sent a letter on to London, so hope it arrives there safely! :)
    T & G xx
