Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Just a quick note to let you know that we are safe and well (except for nath's bung knee and wrist) in Santiago. The only sign of any earthquake was when we landed at the airport and we had to disembark on the runway and walk to tented areas to pick up our luggage. The termial is not in use. Loads of tents set up as check in areas, luggage pick up, taxi stands etc. Driving into the city we saw no signs of damage. There was a power cut as we were in the taxi to our hostel, but luckily our hostel had power and offered us a bbq dinner. Score. The chilean peso is really hard to get your head around. Our dinner last night cost $4000 peso's each!! Equivalent to $8 USD.
Tomorrow we are taking a hop on hop off bus around the city. We have 11 stops along the way. One of the stops we visited today - taking a cable car ride to a look out point over the city. Very cool. Lots of smog though. It is hard to think that the entire popultion of NZ fits into Santiago!
Loving being back at sea level - breathing is much easier and not feeling as tired. Its 11:30pm and Im still pumping. It could be the 2 4 1 cocktails (mojitos all the way)!
Laters gators,
Michelle (and Nath - we all know he doesnt do the typing!!)

1 comment:

  1. What's with Nath's wrist and knee? Or did I miss a post? Glad Santiago all good! Was a bit worried before hand! :) Glad your still enjoying the 2 for 1 cocktails! Go the long flight...!
