Sunday, August 3, 2014


It is with great excitement that I write this post from Delhi. We have finally made it - after saying sad farewells to friends in London, packing our lives into 12 boxes and flying/in transit for over 20 hours - we are here! And it is hot.  So hot I bought some 'lesbian' sandals and light weight t-shirts to try and keep me cooler.  
On day one we explored the National museum to start with as it was chucking down with rain.  From there we went to the Ghandi Smirti memorial - the exact spot where Gandhi was assasinated and lived prior to his murder.  It was crazy to walk in his exact footsteps to the place he was praying when he was shot.  After this we went to Humayun's tomb - where a maharaja is buried.  We finished the day with traditional Indian pancakes (dosa) with dipping sauces.
Day two we ventured out on our own (no hired taxi for us today) and bartered prices with tuktuk drivers to take us to the red fort (where the emporer used to live), chandni chowk bazaar, jama masjid (largest mosque in Delhi) and Connaught Place (where we went to Q bar and it happened to be 1+1 = 4 Happy hour).  
Tomorrow we have mad a booking at the Imperial Hotel for a 5* afternoon tea so I am curious to see how it will differ (if at all) from afternoon tea in London.  
It is much hotter than we expected and we had no rain today which is a bonus as it's monsoon season.  Apparently where we are going next (Jodphur) is much hotter than here - I will literally melt! We are taking our first night train tomorrow night and I'm a little nervous - not sure what to expect.  We are in a four berth cabin so hopefully the other two people will be very nice (& yes I am being naive!). I hope to get some sleep as it's an 11 hour train journey.  
So far Delhi is nicer than we expected - we have not been hassled nearly as much as I expected - it was worse in Egypt, and generally locals are friendly and talk to us.  We talk about cricket mostly.

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