Tuesday, August 19, 2014


We have had two lovely days relaxing in our hotel in Khajuraho.  The town is famous for is temples built in Indo-Aryan architecture in AD 900 -1050.  The temples have artistic carved stonework around the outside and some of them are very sexual indeed! It was good to come here as it broke up the journey from Agra to Varanasi and it gave us some chill out time, because other than the temples there is nothing else to see.  This is a small town of 20,000 with about 20,000 tuktuk drivers! The main road is just a dusty dirt road.  Feels like a beach town in NZ minus the sea, but with cows and tuktuks.

We only managed three hours today walking around the temples as it was just so hot.  Temperature had a real feel of 44 degrees! It was just so awful to be outside as we were sweating bucket loads. The a/c hotel room was a welcome respite from the heat and we stayed there for the rest of the afternoon. We have ventured out for dinner and went to a recommended Italian restaurant as we were ready for a change up of cuisine.  

Tonight we have a night train to Varanasi - one of the seven holy cities and the river Ganges is sacred. The train ride is an 11 hour trip if it's running on time.  This is the last of our long journeys in India.  After this we have a flight to Mumbai, then a flight to Goa, and finally a flight to Bangkok.  We only have three more stops left in India. 
I am a bad ass Indian.  I wear shorts and now even singlet tops as it's to hot for anything else, and I have short hair.  All women here have long hair and are supposed to be covered up from shoulder to knee.  In some parts of India it is more liberal, like in Delhi and I'm assuming Mumbai, and women do wear Western clothing but it is a minority number. 

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