Saturday, February 13, 2010


After many hours on buses (8) we arrived in Cuenca yesterday arvo. It appears to be the most modern of the cities we have visited so far. We have seen shops selling beds, computers, tables which is something we haven´t seen in other cities.
Today we took a guided walk around Cuenca, stopping at a big Cathedral and a Panama hat shop and museum. It is very hot here, we have our frisbee which we´re going to have a play with in the square.
Tomorrow we bus to PERU. Exciting. We are going to a beach resort town for 3 days then off to Lima.
Currently there is a party like atmosphere with carnival celebrations taking place. You have to keep a watchful look walking down the sreet for a water bomb being hurled at you. We have been bombed but we have bought our own water bombs so we can now retaliate. I think we will try to involve ourselves in a water fight in the square later this arvo.
The first picture is of Baños - where we spent the last few days. Nath took this on his hike up the hill. The next pictures are of me with Lucas the monkey and the boa constrictor!

1 comment:

  1. Very brave with the snake Mich! I am impressed! Is that the frisky monkey?? Hilarious! Also, would just like to say that I'm very impressed with the biking and rafting, woohoo! Sounds like fun, hope jecket is waterproof for biking in the rain, Nato!! :)
