Saturday, February 13, 2010

More Photos

Sugar cane being made into lollies. It is boiled to make it more flexible.

Trying on Panama Hats

Nath practicing hunting with the blow dart back when we visited a family community living along the Napa River.

St in Quito

On our city tour of Cuenca this morning we stopped at a local food market selling fruit, veges and
meat. It was very crowded. We tried some local fruits that looked tropical. When I say we I mean Nath and the rest of the group. I still think fruit is yuck.
The local flower market is stunning. It takes place every day and you can get a bunch of 12 red roses for $4 (handy that valentines day is tomorrow!). All the flowers are cheap compared to NZ. I saw a blue rose and many other colourful flowers.
Hope you enjoyed the photos.
Happy Valentines Day,
Love Mich and Nath


  1. Wow I thought, Michelle eating fruit. Knew it was too good to be true. Hope you nibbled some anyway. Lovely weather in the Bay, got the 30 degrees yesterday that you were hoping for when home. Nath been home for the weekend. Great to see him. The drier finally got picked up yesterday. I took the call and told him if he didn't arrive this time don't bother ringing again.

  2. Woohoo, I love the hats! Great pics - nice to see where you are and what you've been up to! Did Nath manage to shoot anything with the blow dart?! Keep up the good work, and Happy Valentines day to you guys! :) xx

  3. Ready for more news - come on people! Esp about the beach in Peru! And drinking cocktails! :)
