Saturday, February 27, 2010

Natural Disaster strikes again

So it seems that natural disasters are trying to halt our plans once again. I suppose you´ve heard about the earthquake in Santiago, well we are meant to travel there in a couple of weeks. Not sure what will happen to our travel plans, will have to wait until we know the extent of the damage.
In the last post I forgot to say that while in Arequipa we had dinner with a local family. Amanda and myself helped prepare the guinea pig for dinner! And yes I did eat some because it would have been offensive not to. Guinea pig is used in celebration meals like birthdays and weddings and is very expensive. Ironic as it has no meat on it and they use it to feed lots of poeple. It tastes like pork, but a bit tougher.
Sorry if this blog is boring but im trying to waste some time before our group meeting and dinner. Plus im also starving because we didnt eat lunch as it started pissing down so we ran for the cover of our hotel when we were out and about today.
Before the rain we manged a walk around the town square in Cusco, found an Irish pub (go figure), visited another Cathedral and also a museum. I am very much churched out.
Off to the sacred valley tomorrow, then Lare´s trek for 4 days. Wont be updating for a while. Lets hope I complete the Trek and dont have to hire a horse!! Im not a fan of horses. Waiting to hear on a definate price for a helicopter ride to Machu Picchu, so maybe our next update will include pics of the Incan ruin. Fingers crossed.
Big shout out to Zane and Romana on the arrival of Lena. She is so cute.
Adios Amigos.


  1. Go you - eating guinea pig! Who would've thought?!! Not me, that's for sure!
    Yep - heard about the Earthquake - NZ had aparently been on Tsunami alert this morning (I managed to sleep through most of it though!). Will have to wait and see the news later to see what's happened over your way!
    Thanks for your message - sorry about Skype mistimings! I should just have an office job so I can sit and check it all day! Hmmm... now there's an idea!!
    Def let us know about the helicopter ride - we've got our fingers crossed for you too! :)

  2. Hey Biggsy
    Loving the blog, tis very humorous! Lots of people at work asking after you, espesh after earthquake. Glad you two are all goods! Please try look after yourselves so we can have mad fun times in London. Haven't booked flights yet, but hoping to this weekend prob - scary!!
    You should think about manning up and trying some fruit - pansy :P lol!
    Peace out home girl
