Monday, February 22, 2010

Lima, Pisco and Nazca

Hi Team,
We have been very busy since our last update.
We stayed in Lima, the capital of Peru, and did a city tour and visited the zoo. We were only in Lima for the day so didnt do a whole lot.
We arrived in Pisco which is home to the local drink the Pisco Sour. Naturally we had to go to a distillery to try it :) We had a boat trip to Ballestas Island to see lots of seals, sea lions, pelicans, penguins and other birds. That afternoon we went dune buggying and sand boarding in Huacachina Oasis. Very cool, had heaps of fun.
Today we are in Nazca. This morning we took flight over the famous Nazca lines. It is the smallest aeroplane I have been on in my life and I wasnt keen on it. I could reach out and touch the pilot! Anyway, the lines were amazing and are over 2000 yrs old.
Tonight we have a night bus to Arequipa. From there we will visit the Colca Canyon (bigger than the Grand Canyon) and hopefully see some Condors.
The weather is still baking hot, almost not loving it. Don´t think I needed to bring my down jacket.
Sian - congrats on your new baby girl :) Hope all is going well.

Mich & Nath

1 comment:

  1. Gosh - sounds like you're getting over the flying thing??!! Haha! Wicked pics on sand dunes! Looks like a whole pile of fun! Is Pisco Sour delicious,? I think I've had one at Matterhorn or somewhere in Welly once - from what I can remember of that night it was great! Also the goss in my family says that Gma got drunk on Pisco Sour when she was in South America with Pete and Sandra!
