Thursday, February 18, 2010

Trujillo - PERU

Hi everyone,
This will be a very quick update, we have a bus to catch in 30min, not enough time to upload photos!
We have arrived in Peru. The boarder crossing from Ecuador to Peru went without problems. There wasnt even any guns on the gaurds.
On arrival in Peru we went to a beach side town called Mancora. It was very hot but luckily our hotel had a pool :)
We only spent one full day in Mancora then we travelled to Trujillo where we are now. Our bus broke down along the way so instead of being a four hour bus ride it was more like 8. Wan't the most fun day we've had.
In Trujillo we have visited some pre-Inca ruins at Chan Chan and saw the local fisherman in their kayaks going fishing. Trujillo is another beach side town, the last one we visit on our trip. Nath and Paul entertained themselves yesterday arvo by drinking a bottle of vodka and swimming in the pool. After dinner the swimming became skinny dipping.
Today we have a long bus ride (8hrs) to Lima. The weather should start to cool down as we head inland.
Better go,
Hope everyone is well.

1 comment:

  1. Just wondering if we should be thankful that you had no time to upload photos today - just in case they may have included the skinny dipping!!! :)
